Looking to Exchange Homes? We can help!

When you have found someone to exchange home with, you must arrange to finish a mutual exchange application form. House Exchange House Exchange is an online tool that can help you find a person to swap homes with by the procedure for mutual exchange. It also uses social media to help further people's chances of finding a home swap. It's free to join with House Exchange. My very first exchange proved to be a 500-year-old Tuscany farmhouse. A long-lasting exchange is significantly different than a vacation swap. If you're thinking about moving then please read our information about fixed-term tenancies to see whether you might be affected. The info will be essential once you come to sell, even if it is not for 10 decades. If all the essential information as detailed in the above-mentioned guidance document isn't submitted, your listing is not going to be approved. Many tenants don't abide by the rules just because they're unaware of all of the regulati...